Michael Alan, known as Michael Alan Alien in the art world, has a unique story that sets him apart from other artists. Born during the Blackout of 1977 in New York City, Alan’s arrival into the world coincided with the hospital’s lights miraculously switching back on. This event, coupled with his mother’s belief that he was meant to do great things, set the stage for Alan’s artistic journey.
Over the years, Michael Alan Alien has created over 7,000 fully realized pieces of art, showcasing his talent and creativity. His work has been commissioned for various projects, including the HBO series Succession, where his art was featured. Alan’s artwork has been displayed in numerous exhibitions and galleries, gaining recognition and praise from art enthusiasts and celebrities alike.
One such celebrity supporter is Hilarie Burton, who has commissioned Alan for several pieces, including a portrait for her and Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s bedroom. Alan and Morgan also share a connection through art, with Morgan purchasing pieces from Alan and displaying them in his home. Norman Reedus, another star from The Walking Dead, has also commissioned Alan’s work, forming a friendship that blossomed from a shared love of art.
Growing up in New York City during the 80s and 90s, Alan drew inspiration from the vibrant street art scene and iconic artists like Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat. His art reflects the city’s energy and movement, capturing the essence of change and resilience. Alan’s artistic journey has evolved over the years, transitioning through various stylistic periods, from colorful paintings to intricate line drawings.
One of Alan’s most notable projects is “The Living Installation,” a unique blend of body art, costume design, and street performance. Teaming up with his creative partner Jadda Cat, Alan takes to the streets of NYC, presenting their bodies as canvases adorned with elaborate handcrafted outfits and accessories. Their performances are immersive experiences that blur the lines between art and reality, captivating audiences with their creativity and innovation.
Through his art and performances, Michael Alan Alien continues to push boundaries and challenge conventions, embracing his identity as an outsider and a creative force. His playful approach to art and life reflects his belief that being weird is a form of creativity, and that life itself is a strange and wonderful journey. As he continues to create and inspire, Michael Alan Alien remains a beacon of light in a world that can sometimes feel dark and uncertain.